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Blue Flag Program

It is established as an incentive for hotels, Chambers of tourism and coastal communities that protect Costa Rica’s beaches in an all-around manner.

Blue Flag Program

The  Blue Flag Program is established as an incentive for hotels, Chambers of tourism and coastal communities that protect Costa Rica’s beaches in an all-around manner; because they are one of the principal attractive spots for national and international tourism, authorities have collaborated to generate a change and increase awareness in the citizens to try and maintain public health and increase ecological benefits.

For more info about the program, visit the official web site here.


The  Blue Flag Program was created in 1996, its first category was Beach Conservation, but with time, other sectors wanted to get involved and to this day there are 14 categories to which hotels, businesses and other organizations can sign up for. This kind of recognition is given annually and voluntarily, part of the evaluation is taken care of by the Ecological Blue Flag National Commission, conformed by various institutions, both from the public and private sector.

Blue Flag Program for beaches

The beach category is ruled by general parameters and specific criteria that determine the individual qualification that ranges from 1 to 5 stars; depending on the fulfilment of said criteria. The Costa Rican Tourism Board, as evaluating entity, evaluates aspects relating to environmental education, security and administration; trash and wastes; among others; while the Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers evaluates the microbiological quality of seawater, the quality of water for human consumption, industrial discharges and residual waters.


Here are listed the parameters used to qualify the Beach Category, a beach’s rating depending on the percentage it obtains:

Sea water quality - 35%

Quality of potable water in surrounding communities, hotels, etc. - 15%

Trash (there should not be any trash at the beach) - 10%

Residual Waters in private homes, there shouldn’t be any - 15%

Residual Waters from industrial origin, there shouldn’t be any - 5%

Environmental education in schools and the communities surrounding the beach - 10%

Security and administration - 10%

Total 100%


If a beach’s percentage is between 90 – 100% of the evaluation previously explained, the beach is given only 1 star in the Blue Flag Program.



The beach has all of the characteristics a 1-star beach does.

However, these characteristics are added:

  1. The possession of signs that warn about dangerous tides and animals that could be potential threats.
  2. Lifeguard surveillance during weekends and peak season.


The beach has all of the characteristics a 2-star beach does.

However, these characteristics are added:

  1. Showers and bathrooms are available for use.
  2. Features a map showing all the points of interest such as trash bins, lifeguards, bathrooms, showers, restaurants, etc.


The beach has all of the characteristics a 3-star beach does.

However, these characteristics are added:

1.Well-functioning, always available recycling bins can be found.

2.Permanent Lifeguard service.

3.A safety committee is available at the beach.




The beach has all of the characteristics a 4-star beach does.

However, these characteristics are added:

  1. Handicap parking spots are available.
  2. Ramps and other helping mechanisms are available to ease help to people who might need it.
  3. Touristic police surveillance is available at all times.
  4. Committees participate in a quality program.



As follows, the list of the beaches that were awarded with the Blue Flag in 2019.

Blue Flag Program

Spanish version

Contact Information

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San José, Costa Rica

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